How does Suits portray the investment banking industry? Has the book changed your opinion of the industry at all?
How is Michael different in comparison to the other analysts at Morgan Stanley? What are his priorities in life? How do you think working there has affected him, and his worldview?
How do you think the kind of corporate culture described in the book affects employees' behaviors?
How do you think growing up in Texas as a second-generation immigrant affected Nina's career decisions? What were some of the positive and negative influences?
What does the story say about how important wealth and prestige are to people? How does this reflect the attitudes of many people in society today? Why do people see this as such a high priority?
How does working at Morgan Stanley affect Nina's relationship with her family and friends? At times, why does she put her job's demands first?
Are there situations and/or characters you can identify with? If so, how?
How would you describe Todd and Steve as managers? How do their management styles differ?
Why do you think some of the analysts feel so trapped in their jobs?
How does Nina's time at Morgan Stanley change her? What are some of the positive or negative changes?